M&A, ESOP and Valuation Resources

Take Control of Your Business Exit

Written by Michael Poole | April 17 2019


Studies indicate that many business owners are not adequately prepared to exit their businesses. Despite understanding the importance of having an exit plan, a significant number fail to implement one. This lack of planning leaves owners vulnerable and unprepared for unforeseen medical events, unsolicited offers from buyers, and limits their ability to thoroughly explore all exit options.

How to Exit Successfully

Document your exit plan

Business owners who document and actively communicate their exit strategy to all stakeholders can more effectively work towards both short and long-term goals. This plan should outline the steps for transferring ownership and managing the transition process, ensuring a smoother exit.

Know your business' value

Understanding the value of your business and the expected proceeds from its sale is crucial. This knowledge allows business owners to prepare for life post-sale, ensuring they can maintain their desired lifestyle without the business income.

Maximize value

Preparing your business for sale is a critical step. Business owners who engage an investment banker typically achieve higher sale proceeds. Focus on enhancing key value drivers such as revenue growth, brand strength, customer loyalty, and effective management. These factors significantly enhance the attractiveness and value of your business to potential buyers.

Gather your team

Collaborating with a team of advisors yields better outcomes. The insights and guidance from a reputable CPA, attorney, and investment banker are invaluable. Their expertise not only helps in navigating the complexities of a sale but also ensures that you are making informed decisions that align with your financial and personal goals.

Prepare emotionally

The emotional aspect of exiting a business is often underestimated. Business owners should take time to reflect on their post-transaction lifestyle and personal goals. Being emotionally prepared helps in transitioning smoothly to the next phase of life, ensuring that the change aligns with personal values and aspirations.

By addressing these key areas, business owners can significantly improve their readiness for a successful business exit, both financially and emotionally.